共 11 團購熱賣中

今日團購:徐陳之家嘩哈哈 徐心怡(包包) Fans Club 套裝 iPEN 16GB 充電版點讀筆 + RASS Picture Dictionary 38 個情景式跨頁 ***免費工商及住宅送貨

  •   $875 兒童圖書

原價 折扣 節省
$1166 7.5折 $291


徐陳之家嘩哈哈 徐心怡(包包) Fans Club 套裝  iPEN 16GB 充電版點讀筆 + RASS Picture Dictionary 38 個情景式跨頁  ***免費工商及住宅送貨


徐陳之家嘩哈哈 徐心怡 包包 使用 RASS LANGUAGE 點讀筆  

iPEN 16GB 點讀筆 + RASS Picture Dictionary 

點讀圖書  3 年精心編排製作

38 個情景式跨頁 2500+單詞 , 700+句子 , 9000+音效 , 40000+字典功能(1 Book + 1 CD)




38 個情景式跨頁

Basic Concepts
50 Feelings , Number 1-10 , Numbers and More , What Time is It?  , Colours and Shapes  , Body Parts , My clothes , Opposites

Around Me
My Family  , My Home , My Room , The Kitchen , The Bathroom , Garage and Laundry Room , The Garden , Things We Can Do , The Classroom , The Supermarket , Helpers

Go Outing!
Transportation , Places to Go , The Farm , The Park , The Zoo , Go Camping , Under the Sea , Sports ,Party Time

The World
Hospital ,  The Dentist and the Eye Doctor , Spring and Summer , Autumn and Winter , Month,Week and Festival , Festivals , Chinese Holidays , Musical Instruments , My Small World , Space


40000 + 有聲字典








中英對照 ( 粵語 / 普通話 / 英語 )






*16GB 內存可供點讀圖書如下 :

1. Phonics Kids Set 1 (6 Books)
2. Phonics Kids Set 2 (6 Books)
3. Sight Word Kids (10 Books)
4. A Picture Reader (10 Books)
5. High Five (12 Books)
6. High Five-to-Go (200 Flash Cards)
7. Flip Flap to Look 1+2 (2 Books)
8. Sing-to-Talk + Story-for-Bed (2 Books)
9. Read-to-Know (10 Books)
10. Baby Reader (12 Books)
11. Dear ABC ( 2 Books )
12  ABC reader ( 6 Books )

13. 福音四字歌 ( 1 Book )

14. Sing Sing Together ( 6 Books )

15. RASS  Picture Dictionary ( 1 Book + 1 CD )

16 .幼兒漢語拼音DVD (4書+ 4DVD +4CD)

17. IYLE Cambridge English Starters

18. Go! Readers Level 1- 5 (30書)

19. Speak Now (4書)

20. SPEAK NOW Cards (120 Cards)

21. Go Phonics Level 1 (2書)

22. Go Phonics Level 2 (2書)

23. Go Phonics Level 3 (3書)

24. Go Phonics Level 4 (2書)



  • 全新點讀字卡 Go! 220+2 Sight Word Pict 100% 228 228
  • iPEN 16GB充電版點讀筆 +Phonics Kids Le 44% 998 2268
  • Go Phonics Level 1+2+3+4 ( 4Books +4Wo 81% 899 1100
  • 2024 年快閃優惠 Cambridge English Star 101% 475 468
  • 書展優惠- 免費送貨 iPEN 16GB充電版點讀 67% 938 1385
  • iPEN 點讀筆 + Phonics Kids Level 1~6 + 55% 1500 2685
  • 網上書展優惠 iPEN 16GB充電版 + Phoni 80% 898 1120
  • $998 購買 iPEN 16GB充電版 + Phonics K 48% 998 2046
  • 幼兒漢語拼音全套 ( 4 書 + 4DVD + 4CD + 73% 475 644
  • $ 555 購買 Read-to-know( 10Books+10DVD 94% 555 588


