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Usborne My First Reading Library – Green box ( 50 Books )

  •   $499

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$3192 1.56折 $2693


Usborne My First Reading Library – Green box ( 50 Books )


Usborne My First Reading Library – Green box ( 50 Books ) * 適合 2 歲以上 

- 最初級的22本,出自Usborne Very First Reading系列
- 小朋友可以利用這些讀本裡的文句,將在學校裡學到的發音規則加以練習
- 再來的12本,出自Usborne First Reading系列的Level One
- 小朋友可以試著自己閱讀這些簡單易讀又有趣的小故事
- 套書裡最難的16本,出自Usborne First Reading系列的Level Two

- 故事稍長,希望訓練小朋友閱讀的耐心,培養小朋友的自信

50 書主題 : 

There Was a Crocked Man

The Three Wishes

The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe

The Tortoise and the Eagle

The Lion and the Mouse

King Midas and the Gold

The Magic Melon

Little Miss Muffet

How Bear Lost his Tail

The Rabbit’s Tale

The Greedy Dog

The Daydreamer

Bad Jack Fox

A Fright in the Night

The Deep Dark Woods

The Dragon and the Phoenix

Clever Rabbit and the Lion

King Donkey Ears

Old MacDonald had a Farm

How Elephants Lost Their Wings

Old Mother Hubbard

One, Two, Buckle My Shoe

The Genie in the Bottle

The Ant and the Grasshopper

Anansi and the Bag of Wisdom

The Perfect Pet

Captain Mac

Double Trouble

Doctor Foster Went to Gloucester

The Wish Fish

Mr Mystery

The Monster Diner

Knight Fight

The Circus under the Sea

Wild School

Late Night at the Zoo

Run, Rabbit, Run!

The Sun and the Wind

The Fox and the Stork

The Magic Ring

Grizzly Bear Rock

A Bus For Miss Moss

Dog Diary

The Queen Makes a Scene

The Dressing-Up Box

Stop that Cow!

Pirate Pat

Moon Zoom

The Clever Rabbit and the Wolves

The Fox and the Crow



My First Reading Library also consists of 50 books with various levels.

The first 22 books are taken from Usborne Very First Reading. With these, your child takes the first steps in reading with your help, following the phonics methods used in schools.


The next 12 books are taken from Usborne First Reading Level One. These delightful and very short stories are for children to try reading themselves.


16 further books are taken from Usborne First Reading Level Two. These slightly longer stories will build stamina and reading confidence.



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